Join(t) the DEALER’S CUP® Club

Join(t) the DEALER’S CUP® Club

Land your biggest coup without any legal side effects!

Dealers Cup – the board game with a difference

Especially in the contemplative time of the year, many families not only come together under the Christmas tree to unwrap presents, but also sit down together at a table. And not (only) to feast on cookies. One or the other (usually a bit dusty) board game is brought out to indulge in light entertainment together.

However, if you’re in the mood for something new or special, you can take the Christmas gaming experience to the next level. True to the (just invented) motto “Not only cookies are baked”, you can now immerse yourself in the world of dealers together.

How do you come up with such a game? That’s what we asked the inventor directly!

Actually, DEALER’S CUP® is a small family project. Together with his son Jonas, the revolutionary idea for a game that revolves around the dark world of un-organized crime was born. Unfortunately, Jonas was unable to witness the completion of the game. Nevertheless, he will always be a part of the game and live on as a result. It should be something different, not a classic board game that you play as a child with your grandparents, but something special.

With great attention to detail, humor and passion, a unique board game was developed. (In just about a year!) Of course, not everything can always work out right away, but thanks to minor adjustments and constant trial and error, a sustainable and, above all, entertaining board game could be created. And this despite the fact that there is no board at all. Because DEALER’S CUP® is not only different from the others in terms of content. No, you can’t pigeonhole it with other games visually either, because here there is a non-slip mat instead of a board.

What’s more, DEALER’S CUP® is as international as the business itself – that’s why the Shit Happens cards are included in German, English and Spanish. This means that you can also play with your aunt from America.

It’s no wonder that DEALER’S CUP® took first place at the Amsterdam Coffeeshop Awards, as “Best interactive game”.


All I want for Christmas is DEALER’S CUP® – the daring, funny weed madness

In addition to the already included game figures, there are also additional characters to buy. Shit Happens cards can also be spiced up with an extension.

And for those for whom that’s not enough, we have good news: a new edition is coming soon!

When the snow falls, the party can rise. The best way to do this is with the perfect party game – not just for Christmas!

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Dealer or No Dealer – the self-test

Of course, we wouldn’t be us if we hadn’t made our own attempt to gain a foothold in the fictional, playful weed business. The most important thing first: the fun is not neglected. But to be honest – the Grant also has its place!

Who doesn’t know it – especially at Christmas there is always stress. Wouldn’t it be nice to get angry about something else? Anyone who knows Monopoly also knows the frustration that comes with going broke because you have stopped at a teammate’s hotel in Parkstraße for the third time in a row. In Dealers Cup, your friends will even rob you.

But there’s still Pot Island, where you can relax and collect money – if someone hasn’t been there before you and put everything in their pockets.

Long story short, even though I didn’t like my teammates as much as I do with Monopoly, we all had a lot of fun playing. Whether in a large or small group, entertainment is definitely provided with this board game.

With this in mind, we wish Happy Holihaze and a Hempy New Year!